Disappeared bicycle brands: Fangio bicycles
With the takeover of the bicycle brand Fangio by Raida, another historic Belgian bicycle brand, once founded by Guido Reybrouck, ex teammate of Eddy Merckx, disappears.
With the takeover of the bicycle brand Fangio by Raida, another historic Belgian bicycle brand, once founded by Guido Reybrouck, ex teammate of Eddy Merckx, disappears.
The racing bike that is in the spotlight this time is an Orlans from Gistel by craftsman Gaston Orlans who once made the frames for Vaneenooghe and therefore also for Kessels
The bicycle in the spotlight this time is a Belgian Diamant belonging to ex-pro cyclist Tom Desmet who rode for the professional team Collstrop Lystex in 1995.
Plume Vainqueur, also known as Plume is one of the oldest and most famous Belgian bicycle brands. Founded by Pol Desnerck in 1910 and still existing today
In the 80s and 90s of the last century you saw a lot of young cyclists in the youth category with a racing bike from the Diamant brand.
The bicycle featured in this article is a Ventura from the 1970s, equipped with a mix of different components.
De winnaar van de Gouden Fiets Eddy Merckx, een wedstrijd voor nieuwelingen, kreeg als hoofdprijs een gouden Eddy Merckx Corsa Extra uit de handen van de kannibaal zelf
De Flandria wielerploeg bestond van 1959 tot 1979 en was één van de succesrijkste ooit met oa Freddy Maertens, Michel Pollentier, Roger De Vlaeminck, Joop Zoetemelk
Je kan niet omheen de geschiedenis van de belangrijkste Belgische fietsproducenten zonder het rood witte merk Flandria te vermelden
Eddy Merckx is not only the greatest cyclist of all time, but has also produced beautiful vintage steel racing bikes, sought after by collectors.