The launch of the Shimano Exage group in 1987
To fill the void between the more expensive and cheaper Shimano groups, Shimano launched the group Shimano Exage in 1987
To fill the void between the more expensive and cheaper Shimano groups, Shimano launched the group Shimano Exage in 1987
In the spotlight this time is a Main d'Or from the 1980s with a Shimano 105 Golden Arrow group. Main d'Or was the trademark of the Ostend bicycle maker Fernand Kessels who also made the frames for Eddy Merckx, among others.
The racing bike in the spotlight this time is a 1976 Flandria equipped with Shimano Dura Ace group
When did Shimano first enter the cycling peloton and was the 1973 World Cup in Barcelona boycotted by Shimano?
One of the most beautiful groups ever made is without a doubt the Shimano 600 Ex Arabesque group with its beautifully engraved plant motifs in the components.
Deze Franse Bertin fiets, model C290 dateert uit het midden van de jaren 80 en is uitgerust met de mooie groep Shimano Arabesque 600
Shimano viert in 2021 zijn 100ste verjaardag. Deze Japanse kolos staat garant voor kwaliteit en voor zijn revolutionaire veranderingen zoals het STI schakelsysteem