De geschiedenis van Wilier Triestina

The history of Wilier Triestina

A bicycle brand that does not immediately sound Italian is Wilier Triestina. This brand was founded in 1906 and its most famous model is the Ramato, a copper-colored model

Fietsmerken en hun panto’s

Bicycle brands and their pantos

Sometimes you find an engraving, also called panto, on the frame of a steel racing bike, but you do not know which brand it comes from. To help you, we give an overview of the best known

Expo Vintage koersfietsen in Triest

Expo Vintage racing bicycles in Triest

Van een aangename verrassing gesproken! Tijdens onze uitstap naar Triëst in Noord Italië botsten we op een expo van prachtige Italiaanse vintage koersfietsen
